Review of the Western Bay of Plenty Homelessness Strategy and Action Plan

Tauranga City Council | Kāinga Tupu Taskforce2023

Are we working together on the right actions to reduce the number of people experiencing homelessness? The Kāinga Tupu Taskforce, made up of representatives from across social and justice sector government agencies, local government, and NGOs, sought a review of their Homelessness Strategy, Action Plan and monitoring and evaluation framework.

FrankAdvice developed advice on improvements to the Strategy, streamlined and prioritised actions in their Action Plan, and found more effective and useful ways to track progress and effectiveness of their Strategy and Action Plan.

To streamline and prioritise their Action Plan, FrankAdvice advised they focus on actions that were a local priority, would have the greatest impact, and where the levers for change were held at a local level. To more usefully track progress and effectiveness of these actions, we proposed a simplified Outcomes Indicator Framework with four components to measure impact (to understand achievement of the vision), progress (to understand progressed towards the vision over time), behaviour (to support good governance practice by the Taskforce), and RAG status (to enable the Taskforce to identify barriers, make good decisions, and hold each other accountable).

Project deliverables included workshops with the Taskforce and provider organisations and a simplified and prioritised Strategy and Action Plan.